Two Heads Are Better : Advantages of Pair Programming
You may have wondered why dogs hunt in a pack, army march in a rank. This is to boost their moral to face any external aggression. Pair programming helps developers to quickly see what they cannot see on their own if they were to work alone.
As the name implies, pair programming is the practice whereby two programmers work together using only one computer collaborating on the same design, algorithm or code. One programmer acts as the Driver who codes while the other will serve as the Navigator who will check the code being written, proofread and spell check it for possible bugs, while also suggesting where to go next. These roles can be switched at any time: the driver will then become the navigator and vice versa.
Pair Programming Advantages
The compelling reasons for Pair Programming includes but not restricted to the following:
Ø Two heads are better than one: If the driver encounters a hitch with the code, there will be two of them who’ll solve the problem. Which will save time from experience.
Ø More efficient: Instead of pulling your hair, banging your head on the table, hitting your laptops on the table looking for the missing curly braces, panicking for not meeting project deadlines, you can count on Pair programming to quickly decipher why your code is not working or the right algorithm to use. Moreover studies have shown that two programmers working on the same program are only 15% slower than when these programmers work independently.
Ø Fewer coding mistakes: Because there is another programmer looking over your work, it results in better code. In fact, an earlier study shows that it results in 15% fewer bugs than code written by solo programmers. Plus, it allows the driver to remain focused on the code being written while the other attends to external matters or interruption. Fewer mistakes are introduced into your code because continuous code reviews gives rise to fewer bugs in your code.
Ø An effective way to share knowledge: Pair Programming helps developers to cross pollinate ideas which is much faster than looking for resources on the Internet. Plus, you can learn things better from your partner, especially in areas where you have low skill set. Developers can also pick up best practices and better techniques from more advanced programmers. It can also facilitate mentoring relationships between two programmers and working in a team.
Ø Develops your collaboration skills: Collaborating on a single project helps your team to appreciate the value of communication and teamwork. In sum, it helps your programmers learn from each other while coming up with programs and applications with better code quality and fewer bugs.
Ø Project Continuity: Since you have more people who know how the new program works. It implies that if one of the pair leaves the company, it will not lead to the collapse of the project.
Dos and Don’ts
Be sure to talk, a minute should not pass where you are not communicating and collaborating.
Don’t say anything that may insult your partner.
Don’t forget to listen.
Periodically switch positions.
Be patient to explain your work to your partner.
Respect your partner no matter his status, belief or race.
Take breaks to keep yourself fresh.
Be prepared, do any preliminary work ahead of time. Don’t be late for appointments with your partner.
Hygiene: take a shower, bring some mint, and use deodorant.
Don’t be bossy, constantly telling others what to do and don’t be too quiet equally.
Don’t be intimidated thinking your partner knows more than you do.
Final Thought
As you can see the advantages of pair programming is much as it leads to faster completion time of projects and better understanding of how a particular program works. The process is found to be more enjoyable and less frustrating especially for junior developers who will become better senior developers through the experience gathered in pair programming.
Sure, there are a few drawbacks; however, in my experience, they’re vastly outweighed by the benefits pair programming provides.