About — Me
Udoh Marshall is a Software Engineer with the passion to build web applications that will solve every day human needs. After graduating from the University of Benin, Nigeria in 2011 with a B.Eng. in Electrical Electronics Engineering, he had a short stint with the Telecom industry for about four years but did not find satisfaction. For the past 18 months his focus has been on developing Web Applications inspired by the determined will to build solutions to businesses and other human related problems with a click of the mouse. Presently, he is undergoing a training in Software Engineering at Sweskills Academy to broaden his horizon in software engineering with the ultimate goal of becoming the CTO of a tech company in the next 5 years to impact the world. Marshall’s presence in the software development ecosystem has been noticed as he was among the 150 best developers to be awarded Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree in the Google African Challenge 2018. Marshall believes that by the time he is through with the Sweskills Academy programme whose content is rich and well designed to meet the demands of becoming a top software Engineer, his name will be engrafted in the world map. His work is at the verge of making impact in his immediate environment and will continue to evolve until it makes impact in the world. He is also a Preacher and lives with his family in Lagos, Nigeria.